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Content on a range of topics from our knowledgable team of professionals.

Owning a Superyacht in the Middle East

Owning a Superyacht in the Middle East

A guide for Middle East buyers and owners

For prospective superyacht buyers in the Middle East, having the right advice before making your purchase particularly important. The legal rules and fiscal regulations around yacht ownership and management are complex in Europe, especially when compared to the relatively low tax GCC jurisdictions. This article examines some of the key points that should be considered by Middle East clients.

July 14, 2020
Services area:
Marine & Aviation
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How to Drive Employee Productivity in a Crisis

How to Drive Employee Productivity in a Crisis

Employee Incentive Plans

Global crises, like that presented by COVID-19, cause economic shockwaves around the world. They pose serious challenges to businesses across all sectors and geographies, including how to keep employees engaged in challenging times? And, how to ensure that they are incentivised to outperform in the future?

May 19, 2020
Services area:
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A Time to Focus Minds

A Time to Focus Minds

Family & Business Planning in the Middle East

With the world is going through a period of considerable uncertainty and minds tend to get focused on the need to plan for eventualities in future. In the context of families, this means considering what needs to be done to protect and preserve the legacy of the family business and their wealth. In this article, we take the opportunity to explore the potential benefits of structuring as well as sharing some insights drawn from recent and current client experience in the Middle East.

April 27, 2020
Services area:
Private Client
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Dispelling the Myths of Superyacht Ownership

Dispelling the Myths of Superyacht Ownership

What should potential new Superyacht buyers consider before making their big purchase.

Spending time aboard your own luxury superyacht anchored in a secluded and sheltered spot provides the perfect scenario for relaxing and spending time with friends and family. However, this perfect scenario can quickly become a nightmare if the owner has not considered the technical, tax and VAT regulations in relation to the ownership and use of their yacht.

November 12, 2019
Services area:
Marine & Aviation
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6 Reasons For Using A Trust

6 Reasons For Using A Trust

Examining the advantages for personal and commercial financial planning.

Many people still seem to associate the use of offshore trusts solely with tax planning. However, the reality is that offshore trusts now offer much more than that.

October 7, 2019
Services area:
Private Client
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Middle East Family - Passing the Business & Power Down to the Next Generation

Middle East Family - Passing the Business & Power Down to the Next Generation

Middle Eastern entrepreneurs from the 60’s & 70’s should think about how they wish their legacy business to continue in the future?

Based on research conducted in November of last year by Hubbis, in conjunction with Jersey Finance, there is an estimated USD 1 trillion due to be passed down in the next decade from older Middle Eastern patriarchs and matriarchs to the younger generation.

September 4, 2019
Services area:
Private Client
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The Family Business – Passing Power Down to the Next Generation

The Family Business – Passing Power Down to the Next Generation

Is it time to stop and think about how Asian entrepreneurs of the 60’s & 70’s wish their legacy business to continue in the future?

For entrepreneurs of the 60’s & 70’s, it's time to stop and think about how they wish their legacy business to continue in the future in terms of continuation, capabilities and desire of the next generation to take over the family business.

June 26, 2019
Services area:
Private Client
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Understanding International Savings Plans (ISPs)

Understanding International Savings Plans (ISPs)

Helpful guide - 10 frequently asked questions about International Savings Plans.

A brief Q&A with Terry Northcott on Jersey International Savings Plans and why these schemes are proving popular.

January 15, 2019
Services area:
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Understanding Jersey Companies and their uses

Understanding Jersey Companies and their uses

Helpful guide

There are many reasons why a private individual or corporate entity might incorporate a company in Jersey. Paul Lees Head of Private Client explains the advantages and uses for incorporating a company in Jersey, as well as the varying types of companies that can be created.

December 12, 2018
Services area:
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Understanding Cell Companies and their uses

Understanding Cell Companies and their uses

Helpful guide

Cell companies offer many benefits, but what are these? Moreover, why would you want to use a cell company in the first place? These are some of the questions answered by Fiduchi's Associate Director of Corporate Services Terry Northcott.

November 1, 2018
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Understanding Foundations

Understanding Foundations

Helpful guide

Does a Foundation always have a charitable purpose? What are its uses? and what should you consider before deciding if it is right for you? This article explains some of the commonly asked questions.

September 10, 2018
Services area:
Private Client
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Understanding Jersey Limited Partnerships (LPs)

Understanding Jersey Limited Partnerships (LPs)

A breakdown of the four different types of Limited Partnerships available in Jersey and their uses.

Jersey Limited Partnerships have become favoured vehicles for any enterprise or group of individuals that require flexibility, privacy, limited liability and the ability to return capital easily to investors. In this article we examine the four different types of Limited Partnerships and their legal variations.

September 6, 2018
Services area:
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Understanding Private Trust Companies (PTCs)

Understanding Private Trust Companies (PTCs)

Helpful guide

What is a Private Trust Company? Why would you use one, and what are the other considerations around a PTC? These are some of the questions answered in this helpful article.

August 21, 2018
Services area:
Private Client
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Understanding Trusts

Understanding Trusts

8 commonly asked questions about Trusts and how they work

Clients are often advised to set up trusts as part of their wealth planning arrangements but for some, an offshore trust may hold a certain mystique. The purpose of this article is to explain some of the basics in establishing a trust together with the potential benefits that may be available.

July 19, 2018
Services area:
Private Client
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Understanding Jersey Private Funds (JPFs)

Understanding Jersey Private Funds (JPFs)

Briefing Note

A Jersey Private Fund ("JPF") is a simple and highly flexible fund product that will be of interest to promoters who are looking to launch funds for groups of investors where a fully-regulated product might not be necessary or appropriate.

April 20, 2018
Services area:
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An Analogy of a Family Office

An Analogy of a Family Office

Comparing it to the Culinary Delights of South East Asian Curry

The modern-day “Family Office”….What is it?... How should it be defined?...

March 21, 2018
Services area:
Private Client
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